Info on Upcoming Events
With next year being the 30th Anniversary of this site, I'm exploring the possibility of having another space-a conference sometime next year. I'm open to feedback about your interest.
2024 is the 30th Anniversary of this site!
I'm so excited that I've been able to provide this service for 30 years next spring! The success of this site has been because of people like you who participate and help others gain knowledge of Space-a travel. So many friendships have been forged through this site, it makes me happy. I appreciate all of you and look forward to another 30 wonderful years. and
I would be remiss if I didn't mention both John D, and Rob G for their friendship and participation providing the wealth of information available on Space-a. They have also been doing this for a long time and have given up so much of their time and money to promote this great benefit we have. They also take donations so please keep them in mind as well.
Learn How to Use Space-a Travel

Once you have paid the membership fee, here's how to go in and set up and account on the message board. Once you are done give me a few days and I can match up your payment with the membership. My contact email is:
Link to Register:
Here's the breakdown of the structure:
Basic Membership ($29.95 per year/$2.50 a month) - Includes full access to all forums including flight schedules. Access to new web based video chats with content from Space-a SME's (Subject Matter Experts) on a bi-monthly basis.
Premium Membership ($39.95 per year/$3.33 a month) - Includes everything in the Basic Membership, plus the member's option to have their own Blog page on the site. This also inListing on a new opt-in Space-a Travel contact list that we've talked about previously. This list will be for Premium Members ONLY and not available to the public.
Here's the link to the PayPal payment site or you can send a check to: Dirk Pepperd 4925 Collins Rd #3103, Jacksonville, FL 32244.